BOOZE NEWS: Hard Juice, Golf Gets Red, & Seltzers' Big Boom

Welcome to the Boozebuddy Update. For you Boozebuddies today I have - Hard Juice, Golf Gets Red, & Seltzers Big Boom

Hard Juice is coming from Two Robbers! The hard seltzer maker's latest entry into the canned alcohol “Double Punch Hard Juice” will be Mango Double Punch and Black Cherry Double Punch. Look for 12-ounce cans in packs and a single 19.2-ounce can. They'll launch in April across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Get more at the link!

Golf Gets Red. Fireball is offering a red jacket for $1,000 in Augusta this April! The cinnamon brand will give 10 fans $1,000 to wear its custom, tournament-inspired Fireball Red Jackets in Augusta, GA. The lucky 10 can rock them on the first nine, the second nine, and everywhere in between - Fireball just wants to see their red across the Augusta green. To try to win your own jacket - head to before March 29th! To get more head to this link

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Seltzer's big boom now has another B - for Billions! High Noon has crossed a major threshold with over a billion dollars in sales! High Noon Sun Sips was released by Spirit of Gallo in May of 2019 and is now cleaning up. They plan to ride that wave with the recent launch of the tequila-infused canned cocktails that landed on March 1st. For more on the big boom, head to the link

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the boozebuddy update, beer industry, global news, booze news, booze, Two Robbers, Hard Juice, RTDs, Ready to Drink, Black Cherry, Mango, Double Punch, Golf, Augusta, Golf Greens, Green Jacket, Red Jacket, Fireball Whiskey, Fireball, Cinnamon, Cinnamon Whiskey, Flavored Whiskey, High Noon Sun Sips, High Noon Seltzer, Hard Seltzer, canned cocktails, Vodka, Tequila,

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