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Imperially Angry Release is on the books - Angry Orchard Hardcore Dark Cherry Apple Imperial Hard Cider that is. They’re also having a contest to celebrate the release through September 8th called “Hardcore to the Core” which could win you $500 for your “hardcore activities”, check the link for details on the release and the contest
Can You Ranch? Because Ranch Can, Canning Ranch Water that is. Suddenly the stuff is everywhere. Sort through the best in the sea of cans here
Training Whiskey - it’s the lastest and potentially most ridiculous way to age Rye Whiskey and Bourbon - put it on a train. Has this gimmick run off the rails, or should it pick up steam. See more at
#Ranchwater #tequila #Hardcider #angryOrchard #Ranch #tequila #RTD #train #trainwreck #choochoo #aged #whiskey #bourbon #gimmick
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